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Exporting GA4 data from BigQuery to Snowflake

In a previous article, we have already explored how to export data grom GA4 to BigQuery. In instances, where we want to migrate data from BigQuery to another platform like snowflake, BigQuery offers a few options.

BigQuery Export options

Explore with Sheets:

Directly analyze and visualize your BigQuery data using Google Sheets.

Explore with Looker Studio:

Utilize Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio) for more advanced data exploration and interactive dashboard creation.

Export to GCS:

Save BigQuery datasets to Google Cloud Storage for storage or further processing with other tools.

Scan with Sensitive Data Protection:

Check your datasets for sensitive information before exporting, to ensure compliance and data privacy.

In out case, since we want to export the Google Analytics 4 data into Snowflake, we will need to first export it to Google Cloud Storage ( GCS ) . From this storage, we can then ingest data into Snowflake.

To understand the process flow, here is what we will be doing.

GA4 -> BigQuery -> Google Cloud Storage -> Snowfalke

A. Exporting from BigQuery to GCS

Deciding on Export Format

Before exporting, we want to decide on the format in which data will be exported for consumption. You can choose any of the format from CSV, JSON, Avro and Parquet depending on the use case. we will go with Parquet in this example. A brief comparison of these 4 data formats is given in the table below.






Data Structure






High (Text-based)

High (Text-based)

Low (Binary)

Low (Binary)

File Size









Very High

Schema Evolution

Not Supported

Not Supported



Use Case

Simple analytics

Web APIs, Complex data

Long-term storage, Evolving schemas

Analytical queries, Large datasets





Very High

Why Parquet?

Here’s a brief summary of why we chose Parquet for exporting GA4 data to BigQuery.

Columnar Efficiency

We benefit from Parquet’s columnar storage, optimizing our query execution by accessing only the necessary data.

Cost-Effective Storage

Our expenditure on data storage is minimized due to Parquet’s superior compression and encoding capabilities.

Support for Hierarchical Data

It supports our GA4 hierarchical data structures, ensuring the integrity of our analytical insights.

Seamless Integration

We utilize Snowflake’s native support for Parquet for straightforward data processing.

Schema Evolution Support

Since GA4 is in its early stage and new features keep on coming, we can gracefully manage changes in our data schema, avoiding costly downtime and data migrations.

Exporting Single Table

Clicking on the Export -> Export to GCS option will give us an option box to pick export format and compression. I have also specified a GCS storage location to store the export.

Exporting Multiple tables

Visual interface only allows export of a single table. Google Analytics 4, however, stores each day’s data separately as a single table. Therefore, we will have to find an alternative to visual export.

Shell script for Multiple table export

We can write a shell script which can export all our tables into our bucket. At a high level, we want our script to do the following :

  1. Set Parameters: Define the dataset, table prefix, and GCS bucket.
  2. List Tables: Use BigQuery to list all events_ tables in the dataset.
  3. Export Tables: Loop through each table and export it to the designated GCS bucket as a Parquet file.

Here’s what the exact script looks like


  # Define your dataset and table prefix




  # Get the list of tables using the bq ls command, filtering with grep for your table prefix

  TABLES=$(bq ls --max_results 1000 $DATASET | grep $TABLE_PREFIX | awk '{print $1}')

  # Loop through the tables and run the bq extract command on each one

  for TABLE in $TABLES


      bq extract --destination_format=PARQUET $DATASET.$TABLE gs://$BUCKET_NAME/${TABLE}.parquet


Save the script and give it a name. I named it Change the script mode to chmod +x.

Execute the shell script with ./

If everything works out correctly, you will start to see output :

You can check whether data has been exported by inspecting the contents of the storage bucket.

A screenshot of a computer

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Allow appropriate access , so that you can read the data in snowflake. You can do this by opening the bucket > Permissions and then click on Grand Access.

In this example, I have granted access to allUsers. This will make the bucket readable publicly.

A screenshot of a web page

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To ingest the data from Google cloud storage into snowflake, we will create storage integration between GCS and snowflake and then create an external stage. Storage integration streamlines the authentication flow between GCS and Snowflake. External stage, allows snowflake database to ingest the data.

Top of Form

B. Create Storage Integration in Snowflake

Storage integration in snowflake will create a temporary service account. We will then provision access to that temporary account from GCP.

  1. Log into Snowflake: Open the Snowflake Web UI and switch to the role with privileges to create storage integrations (e.g., ACCOUNTADMIN).
  2. Create the Storage Integration:

CREATE STORAGE INTEGRATION gcs_storage_integration




STORAGE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS = (‘gcs://tempv2/’);

  1. Retrieve Integration Details:

DESC STORAGE INTEGRATION gcs_storage_integration;

Snowflake will automatically create a GCP service account . We will then go back to Google Cloud to provision necessary access to this service account.

  1. Navigate to GCS: Open the Google Cloud Console, go to your GCS bucket’s permissions page.
  2. Add a New Member: Use the STORAGE_GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT value as the new member’s identity.
  3. Assign Roles: Grant roles such as Storage Object Viewer for read access

C. Create External Stage in Snowflake

External stage will allow snowflake database to ingest data from external source of GCP.

  1. Define the File Format (if not already defined):



  1. Create External Stage

CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE my_external_stage

URL = ‘gcs://tempv2/’

STORAGE_INTEGRATION = gcs_storage_integration

FILE_FORMAT = my_parquet_format;

  1. Verify the external stage with LIST command, you can see the output
A screenshot of a computer program

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  1. Create table to load data into

We will create a table , so that we can load data from the stage into the table.

create table raw_ga4 (



  1. Load data from stage

Finally, we can load data from external stage into snowflake database table using COPY INTO command.

There are 2 primary ways that we can ingest data into snowflake database.

  1. With an upfront Schema
  2. Without an upfront Schema

In this case, we will ingest the data without having an upfront schema.

D. Loading data without Schema

Snowflake provides a ‘VARIANT’ data type. It is used to store sem-structured data such as SON, Avro or Parquet etc. Its useful because it allows you to ingest and store data without needing to define a schema upfront. The VARIANT column can hold structured and semi-structured data in the same table, enabling you to flexibly query the data using standard SQL alongside Snowflake’s powerful semi-structured data functions.

Therefore, in Step4 , we create a simple table with VARIANT column of data.

To load the data into our raw_ga4 table, we use the following command.



FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME = ‘my_parquet_format’);

This will load all files into Data column

You can also view the data from Data Preview tab of RAW_GA4 table , which will look like :

A screenshot of a computer

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